This image is being used for the logo of BrowSearch-Feedonomy the shopping engine and advertising network. BrowSearch is pronounced “Browse & Search” We distribute your product ads & content across multiple domains and TLDs (top-level domains) such,, .org, and more.

Measure Results

Data Catalog

Data Governance

Data Lineage


BrowSearch  Anywhere

BrowSearch Analytics

Think of the Feedonomy Merchant Center as your Marketing and Advertising HQ. Currently you can create and manage your advertising, product feeds & *publishing.

Data Catalog, Business Intelligence & Analytical systems. Coming soon: While we endeavor to incorporate all Data options and opportunities from within your Merchant Center. We endeavor to provide you with new analytical tools as we believe from our investigations that using Google analytical tools can lead to increased advertising prices. These strategic goals have been integrated into the DNA of all Google Advertising products and services. 


We have included a new post-type for publishers, and promotional purposes, for example: product reviews, articles, news articles etc. In other words, if you want to publish ‘news articles’ to encourage readers to visit your publishing website or if a seller wants to promote a product via a ‘product reviews’ or ‘product news’ you can now use the form below to achieve this. Please contact us if you require any bespoke product-types, taxonomies, and or other features you only need to ask. Browsearch-Feedonomy BrowSearch is pronounced ‘Browse & Search.

“Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have a strong online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.”

If you look carefully, you will notice the more popular a product or brand the more listings you will find. Not advertisement we are talking about product listings.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. By listing your product ads your Google Ads (Free & Paid) Campaigns will improve.  Sellers pay no advertising costs.  FPC. (Free-Per-Click) Only.

Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually.

All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommended sellers pass their savings onto the consumer. While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices, we will provide incentives making it a no brainer for sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer.

We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.) thus the first 500 sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search.

Contact us for details: l Email:  BrowSearch-Rx (Co-op.) Medical Professionals & Pharmacies Email:

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BrowSearch (B2B)