This image is being used for the logo of BrowSearch-Feedonomy the shopping engine and advertising network. BrowSearch is pronounced “Browse & Search” We distribute your product ads & content across multiple domains and TLDs (top-level domains) such,, .org, and more.

Reach New Customers.

Before we begin.

Browsearch is pronounced Browse & Search

Are you interested in eCommerce. Do you sell, rent, trade, exchange products or services online or do you create content that you distribute online. Are you looking to promote your brand, your organization or yourself? If the answer is yes to any of the above, then you are on the right page. However, reading this will be a waste of your time unless you are interested in growth, promotion, promoting your business, finding new customers, increasing readership, or finding more subscribers for your online channel. If you are not particularly interested or looking to grow or increase sales etc. Then this is not for you I apologize for wasting your time and if you leave now, it will be in both our interests. -------------------------------------- Use Browsearch & Feedonomy to increase your reach. By displaying your product listings in more places you reach a wider audience. whatever the channel.

Use Browsearch & Feedonomy to increase your reach. By displaying your product listings in more places you reach a wider audience. This is not the place or time but the idea here is to win your customers heart and mind. That is a cliché and if you forgive the connection its like G-d. When you have millions of Priests who abuse little kids for generations and the parents and the cocktail parties wherw money meets other kids parents. With articles and proof hanging like warm air in the huge auditorium or when we hear of the Pope helping Nazis steal Jews everything almost fairie like helping them onto trains with smiles. The number of humans killed and both teams claim to be killing for and on behalf of a false prophet a young Jew whos mother was a virgin. When you learn how the Romans grabbed the same Jews tail after killing him becuase it may help him win votes harts and minds of soljiers or young people and how every painting of the same has nothing to do with the Jew but are replicas of Ancient Roman gods and the halo the fish and everything else created based and created to serve those who hold power for a minute and we see 1000 years later a new face so with the same lkeness as Medici then female and it all makes sesne based on the royal King or Queen just like dwellings and art and furniture we have a G-d that looks more like the Victorian Era than hearts and minds means greeed and arrogance and lies. Getting back... How about itergrated when an indutry controls and manufactures all the entire supply chain like Henry Ford and the steel for the car comes from Fords steel mill the tires form Fords Tires or For Rubber. plantation and controls and owns all the companies from the rubber plant to the tire. marketing should have the same strategy for each consumer. Not only their hear and mind but their toes, toenails, when you can take a consumers money and not deliver then deliver a broken device. A better example is the ANC and the poor hungry old lady from the Tanskei who will die and still be voting for the ANV she is not stupid and after a number of articles showing theft and corruption for money that should have been for her villliage. But she still votes for them. That is marketing joy! those companies that turn a plant into tires. blamed on whatever the channel.

Reach New Customers.

Feedonomy Merchant Centre

Optional: Merchant Centre Store

Feedonomy Merchant Centre & Merchant Centre Store

Feedonomy Merchant Centre allows you to create a (Product Feed) or  catalogue feed. Lets state the obvious. You can call it a catalog or catalogue or Bling Special Unique Data File or whatever just remember everyone wants to sound unique that is part of the problem when uploading or importing your Prtoduct Feed File. Imagine trying to charge an Apple iPhone with a Samsung charger. Both phones usually work but they have differant cables becuase each one wants to stand out. The Product Feed is the same but dont panic it is not as complex and deadly as Feedonomics leads everyone to beieve. It serves their business is companies are scared to touch the Product Feed file. But unless you literarly Amazon with millions of SKU’s the specialist has no special training. Its really a basic expertise. We will show you and besides Amazon have much more qualified people than a little feed company.  which includes images and other information about your products, so that your products can display on the Feedonomy Shopping Engine & Advertising Network.  Network. Unlike paid ads, and the debate with the Googles, & Bling’s  know and understand as long as they have some illusion competition; continue to talk about how accepting zero Privacy is not going away (For as long as it takes for us, the consumer to accept the loss of privacy, and even begin to believe that crap of how collecting, analyzing, selling. If you have ever noticed how ads (AD) follow you around; besides being creepy; it is common knowledge if this can be repeated over and over again. Its just a matter of time, until we all justify it, look at the false positives just what is required for consumers to lose out one more time to big possible illegal organizations. Unless, its unlikely but some or other legal, or consumer group take action as they have many times in the past, each time winning, and causing big media to pay fines etc. That is done in our interest by individuals who are forced to use their own money. Imagine what will be discovered if they suddenly have the resources oe even 10% of those individuals they are trying to protect us from! 

 l inventory from the BrowSearch, Browse & Search Merchant Center catalog feed files that you submit.

This article explains how to get started with product ads.

The Feedonomy Merchant Centre?

BrowSearch for WordPress

BrowSearch for Shopify

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The Feedonomy Merchant Centre allows you to create an entire Product Feed File that will be suitable to use with Google or Microsoft Ads and Feedonomy for management and optimizing. You can simply add your products or services like you would on any marketplace like Amazon, eBay, BidnBuy (Bob) I am naming names not to marry BrowSearch or Feedonomy with Amazon. But I would if he asked me. My point is is a ‘Shopping Engine and Advertising Platform, in other words you gain features and benefits from both models. Take the marketplace you join create an account hopefully get your application approved then you are able to add your logo and even headers and some content plus your ‘home page’ is always visable your listings are all archived on your marketplace home page. The listing when viewed from search results or under a category had your organizations name or brand so the consumer is searching for something they want to purchase the emotions take flight and even if your item is not purchased in this instance your brand a much bigger thing has been swallowed and is digested. With the marketplace you can add listings individually while its not the best way to spend your time listing hundreds of individual products unless you still learning the business then it should be mandatory but thats another topic. Even those users who are familiar with this process every shopping cart or post type with particulat taxonomies and features can be like learning new software. Most of this comes down to a particulat indiviudals preferance. For example is the primary image before or after the sale price. I am reffering to the CSV file in most example this format is used. It is not code but removes all formatting and that is basically your Product Feed file. In reverse when loading a file or preparing the feed for an advertsing platform you have rows and colums and one colum requires the images URL, the next the price, the short description etc. My point is if you take the Product Feed file and use it with Google there is a 98% chance you will need to change or make a few changes not a big deal. I didnt say errors as the file may have worked perfectly with Bing the reverse is also true. But, all ad platforms enable you to upload your feed file but you cannot optimize it in real time. It is far less if I may use that term than a marketplace offers. Generarry it is not nessesaey and would increase the costs. Hopwever, in order to get features I describe remember you are paying at least 5-30% to the marketplace and that is gross on each sale plus you are paying a monthly fee they differ some charge a few hundred USD others much less but then make up the money on sales, co commisions on storage on shipping. It is not possible for a seller or advertiser to be member or merchants on multiple marketplaces as it becomes far too cosrly. But the poposite is true of an ad platform you can list all your products including many items that mat have different colors. To my knowledge BrowSearch & Feedonomy is the only shopping engine and Advertising Network that offers the ‘Advertiser’ or seller featires usually only available on the high end marketplaces. Just being able to view all your listings in real time not an image of what it will probably look like as everything is fliud. If another larger image is put next to your listing it may affect any number of things. With you can continually upgrade optimize especially with Feedonomy the reason or one of the factors when we decided to take them onboard. If you an advertiser support from both groups will always be available. Thus it remains the only platform that can also be used on a daily basis with training new teams or members and to optimize and automate it just doest net get better. You can also add or change so much of the design and layout as I said like a handful of high street marketplaces.  Repeatedly said  catalog feed, which includes images and other information about your products, so that your products can display on the Feedonomy Consumer-Centric Private Feedbrowzer & Shopping Network.

Claimed by a digital advertising platform.

Product ads allow you to include product details such as image and price within your ads, delivering key information about the product offers that will help users make informed decisions before clicking on your ads (which often improves conversions). 

Product ads pull inventory from the Feedonomy Merchant Centre catalog feed files that you submit.

Feedonomy Merchant Centre allows you to create a catalog feed, which includes images and other information about your products, so that your products can display on the Feedonomy Multi-Channel Shopping Network.

Claimed by a digital advertising platform.

Product ads allow you to include product details such as image and price within your ads, delivering key information about the product offers that will help users make informed decisions before clicking on your ads (which often improves conversions). 

Product ads pull inventory from the Feedonomy Merchant Centre catalog feed files that you submit.

“Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have a strong online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.”

If you look carefully, you will notice the more popular a product or brand the more listings you will find. Not advertisement we are talking about product listings.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. By listing your product ads your Google Ads (Free & Paid) Campaigns will improve.  Sellers pay no advertising costs.  FPC. (Free-Per-Click) Only.

Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually.

All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommended sellers pass their savings onto the consumer. While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices, we will provide incentives making it a no brainer for sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer.

We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.) thus the first 500 sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search.

Contact us for details: l Email:  BrowSearch-Rx (Co-op.) Medical Professionals & Pharmacies Email:

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