BROWSEARCH & Feedonomy



Do you have a product that you think is great or wonderful that you think will sell? Well, let’s try and sell it. What price? What do you want to sell it for? Do you have pictures of the product? OK, OK. Let me know what price you want to sell it at and e-mail me a few pictures. And let’s advertise it. Alright, see. If we can sell any. All the profit. Comes to you. OK, there’s no, there’s no charge. If a person wants to buy a product, they can contact you directly. And buy it from you. And that’s it. How many products do you have? Have you got any products? Or do you have to? Are you waiting to take deposits? Do you want people to pay you so that you can make the product? It always helps if you have. A few products. That you can at least show people how it works. It also helps if you have a website. But you don’t need a website. Because we’re going to advertise it on our website. Uh, if you have a website and you have the product listed on the website that that is also fine. Then what we will do is advertise them. Advertise the products. And have a link that goes to your website. For people who want to buy them. But if you don’t have a website then. People can contact you directly because you don’t want to sell it on another website. Because then the person is going to want a Commission. And you want you don’t want to give away any, any profits. You want to keep all the profits. You, see? If I am. If you go to a distributor. And. You know you say you want to sell. A branded product that’s well known, like an iPhone or a Seiko watch. Oh. You know any product that those people know? Levi Jeans. You can’t buy from the manufacturer; you’re going to have to buy from the supplier. The problem? Here’s. These mega stores, you know, like Amazon and Walmart. There’s something called economies of scale. That means that the more that, uh, if it’s a big company, they got more money than you. They can buy in bulk, and they can then usually buy much cheaper. Because they’re buying it in bulk, that means they can sell cheaper. So, it’s very difficult to compete. Um. Selling a well-known product. If you. Have your own brand. Or um. If you just like to create something new. That might work. Otherwise. What you can do is. Well, they quoted him. When things fall off the truck, in other words, you wait around and you wait for trucks. You know, full of merchandise. And if a few iPhones fall off, if they don’t break, try and catch them before they hit the ground. Then you catch them and run off to the truck and you know if you can’t catch the truck and say the number plates covered, you don’t know who it belongs to. Then you go to the police, and you tell them that these things fell off the truck. But there was. You couldn’t see the number plate. Say it looked like you. You don’t know what sort of truck it was. It was whatever color it was. And you can always say that you color blind, so not sure of the color. And then I think it must stay in the police station for. A certain number of weeks. You know, for somebody you’re trying to claim it, or for somebody. Put a case in to say that um. Something fell off the truck. They didn’t close it properly, so something fell out of the truck. And then then you do. You are a Good Samaritan, You’re a good being, a good person. And you’re giving the stuff back to the millionaire who’s. We wouldn’t do the same if we’ll start falling off a truck, but that’s beside the point. But. We don’t work the way they work. Which maybe that’s the reason they’re rich. But that’s. That’s the choice you must make, but. If it’s up to me, I don’t work right there. But they’ll say no one claims this stuff. Then. You can. Um. Will the website. If you’ve got a lot of things that fell off the track. You know, like the tracks on a steep hill and basically everything falls out. Or. Otherwise, you can just go to another website and say to them if you sell, you know all this stuff fell off the back of the truck. And I went to the police station. We can’t find the owner. Yeah, you know, it’s been signed by the police. So, they’ve checked it out. So, so they’ve, you know, so it’s not stolen or anything. Once you get that letter, the websiteÔÇÖs owner will say OK, we’ll go 5050 and then you say no. I’ll give you 10% and the guy might say, OK, he might negotiate, OK, 25% say, and then you are getting say 2/3 and he’s getting a third. 33% whatever and he advertises it. And then he gets uh. You know, somebody likes it. He gets paid. And. Anyway, you work whatever that is art, and he pays you a certain amount and then you give him the product. That’s one way of doing it. No, there’s is another way of doing it. And that is to invent something. Like there was a guy who invented the jet engine. Let’s say we have You Wait until there’s a war, World War 3. Hopefully it won’t happen, but if it does happen, and. Then you work out how to. You know like the engine that makes what’s that American plane that that the if 22 whatever you try you try and make the F23. You know, it helps if you’ve got an engineering degree, but if you don’t, you can just do what the Russians do and like. Use gaming software and make it look unfamiliar. No, that’s that won’t work because when you must deliver the product, they might say you’re cheating them. That won’t work. So, you must know how to make a plane. If you can make your plan, then you can sell it to, you know, India and all these countries because they’re worried about war. You can sell to all of them, and you can make 1,1,000,000 because. You know each plane you can sell for about $300 million. Through. Another way of making money is. Submarines, but um. It’s usually quite secretive and. You might need, uh, what you call those nuclear submarines. You might need to mine that. Heads up. What do you call it? Not lithium. It’s called plutonium. I think it must be 95 or 90%. Um. We found. And you’ll make it. You’ll add value because you you’re doing your submarine plus, you’re doing the. Tanium, whatever you call it. That’s another way of doing this. A really simple way is to create like. Products like, you know like tribal products and the conduit in Australia because. OH, all the Aborigines were killed by the Australians. Hang on a SEC. Yeah. You call me. Yeah. OH, thanks my friend for putting my pants on. I’m coming. 1/6. Hey. What? OH, thanks brother. OK, let’s carry on. Now. You must also think of if people sit, you know, and they write. Even if itÔÇÖs brilliant writing, like mine, and they’re telling you. Ways to make money. You must also remember that unless you know baby, I’m very, very wealthy. Um, but OK, well, I’m not, but. Let’s pretend I was then. And now I’ve made so much money. Billions and billions of. Rare and or dollars? And I’m just bored with life. So then then then that’s a good idea. You must listen to what I say. But now let’s say. Because I’m honest, it’s said that I’m not rich. OK. Because I’m honest, but we don’t know about, you know, the other people writing about us. Now if the person is not rich and they’re giving you all these ways to make money and then on top of it they’re going to they want to charge you if it’s $1.00 or. $500 or. What? Whatever. You know, whatever. They going to charge you? Um. People don’t usually do things for free; you know? Now, now think about it. They’re not. They’re not rich. They’ve got no money. But they’re giving you all these ways to make money. Plus, they’re charging you know you must get. Think about this now. Think deeply if they’re not rich. And if the ideas can make so much money, like all my ideas, you know, like making error planes for the Air Force. Submarines, you know, nuclear submarines, now they can make billions and billions, OK, but now if if they got no money. And they’re cheating you. How to make money? OK. And they’re charging you. That means they are making more money by charging $1.99 or $10 to all the people that are reading what they write now. If they’re trying to make money, wouldn’t they rather make submarines or? OH, make cellular phones. Whatever it is that they suggest you do. Because. A good one is like um. What do you call it like a a a multi vin mender vendor market pressure. As I say create Amazon created like an Amazon or Etsy or eBay, you know, like it’s easy OK but they’re sitting the software. Now. They probably don’t have that much money. OK. Possibly selling software for say $100 or whatever it is. OK. Now if they are saying you could make an Amazon or make one of these marketplaces. Those marketplaces, some of them are worth hundreds of millions of. Of dollars. So, if it’s that easy to make it, you have to ask yourself why aren’t they using this software to make their own Amazon? To make hundreds of millions of. Dollars instead of giving the software away for. $50.00 or $100 every single year. If you think about it, they must be making more money from it. Sitting the software for a few dollars than they are. I mean, if it was that easy, they wouldn’t give the software away. For even $1,000,000. Doesn’t make sense. They would rather make their own Amazon and even if they. Make half as much as that other that funny little guy. Started Amazon? I mean they are saying you can start eBay or Amazon. I mean there are those all those companies are worth 10s or hundreds of billions of dollars or even if it’s worth. $100 million or never mind the billion dollars. OK. Why are you so lucky? Or why am I so lucky that they are selling me that software so I can make my own Amazon and be worth 150 billion? Dollars. People aren’t that generous. You see, so now that is what you call a red flag. Now when you see a red flag and it’s, you know, like in the wind flapping. Vets. You can also call it red herring, and I bet something different because that’s, you know, in water that’s something different but a red flag that means you must be careful that. If it were so easy to make Alibaba or. Amazon or eBay. People are not that nice. They wouldn’t give you a secret to the software. As I said, they’re making more money from selling the software for $1.50 or or $100 a year. In other words, they’re making $100 a year where they could be if they if they made if they used the software themselves, they would be making a billion dollars a year. Sit. So that means that’s a red flag. That means something is not. Is not right, so you must be careful of that. Um, what’s the other thing? So, it’s the same as with websites, you know these book website builders that say? Three-page website for $500 or? Or something. You know. Having a getting a say you sitting depends you know on the website, but if you’re selling products. ItÔÇÖs not that complicated. You can do it yourself. But you see the website, if it’s Wicks or Shopify, they’re making much more money. Bye. Letting other people build websites. Yeah, if it was so profitable to have a website, they would build their own website, so. I think Shopify has something like that. Is it 6000 or is it 6,000,000 I’m not sure. Big difference, but you get the idea. In other words, they make more money by making it easy. I think it used to be $30, you know, for a basic website and you get a shopping cart and this and that. But you must. They are all hidden things as well, like you must remember like. They’ll say it’s free for a year and a domain free for a year, but just remember if it’s free for one year. The second year they’re going to charge you. Double what? A normal registrar. Website you know a domain company will charge. It’s $13 for If they sell 3 for a year, the next. They the next year they will charge you like $20.00 so in other words. There’s nothing for nothing. There’s nothing for free if that makes sense. OK, so. OK. You know, put it this way to get a shot. You know to pay rent, you know. Ring’s not cheap to find a shop, even if it’s a small shop. Rule shop in a in a bad area with some traffic or shopping center is expensive. So. In a in a sense, a website is good because it’s. You know for 30 Rand or $30.00 a month you can build your own website with a shopping cart, and you can take pictures of your products and you know what I mean? So, it’s a lot cheaper and if your product doesn’t sell. OK. ItÔÇÖs not like you’ve signed a lease for six months or a year where you must keep paying every month for the lease, even if you don’t use the shop. Because. The person who owns the property. They are cruel. They don’t care if your product doesn’t sell. And you can’t pay for them. They just smell blood, and they’ll just see you. We are a website. You can just stop paying the 30 or 50 or 50 or 60 or $70.00 a month. Or you can do a cheap one. I think you can even start for free. You pay nothing. And it doesn’t have to be on your own website. If the products are good enough, it doesn’t matter if it’s. Word press dot ABC minus 34510964321. Trust me if somebody’s getting an iPhone or a brand new. Whatever 4 by 4. For $50 instead of $50,000, they will. To quickly go and ask somebody for a pen and write down the website. You know even if it’s 5 -, 4, three, 21, ABC, 213-4567. It doesn’t have to be like, you know if the products are good. Don’t worry, the person will write it down, then they’ll remember the website. So, it’s better to do it for free. You know first. Um. Otherwise, it’s just wasting money. And then put one or two products on and see if there’s some interest. OK, but you must remember this about websites. It’s one thing having the website. Yeah, it’s a good idea because. You know you have a shot. And you know it’s in a shopping center, and you must have. Hundreds of thousands of shopping centers around the world. The website You Can you basically it’s like having a shop in every shopping center all over the world, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey in Israel, even if they are fighting with each other. You can still sell them, you know, especially if you’re selling weapons. You know, you can sell weapons to both. If you know what I mean. And if it works then maybe do your own. Buy your own domain and everything, but don’t put the cart in front of the horse. Does that make sense? Don’t put the horse in front. No, don’t put the cart in front of the horse, because the horse needs to be in front of the cart to pull it. The cart in front of the horse. You know, by like, opening a shop in every shopping center. Anyway, that’s something different. I’m confusing myself here but that’s yeah, that’s some at the about the best advice you’re going to get from. Best business advice? Now I suppose I have to say that I’m not. Um. I’m not. Um. An investment? Um. Advisor. Mother. Professional in. Investment advisor. So, um, I’m just giving you, my opinion. If, if, it doesn’t work. In other words, if you have, let’s say you try to build a nuclear submarine and you’ve got orders. Please, you cannot sue me if. If it doesn’t work out. I’m not saying it won’t, I’m just saying that if it doesn’t, it’s just my opinion. Sometimes even you know the best. But even in in in America, you know where they’ve got Mac, McDonald, Douglas and what’s that other one called? In fact, if flight. Fried chicken. But no, no, sorry. Boeing. The Boeing. You’re the Boeing Company, The Concord company. Well, yeah, yeah. You know, planes, planes crash like that. That doesn’t mean that. That you can make money making plans. But what’s a good idea is if your planes always crash, is see if you can buy a passport for Russia. No, because they’re their own mind. As you know, it looks good. If it if it crashes. You know, more often than in the West it’s not as serious. I mean, the idea is don’t build something that you know you won’t make more money for crashes the more crashes. You must try and make something that crashes as little as possible. Especially if it’s a a human pilot. Piloting it. But let me not get mixed up here. It’s meant to crash, you know, they’ve got these like. Drones where you put bombs on them. Then it’s meant to crash. Then if it if it crashes, then the more crashes, the more money you’ll make, the more you’ll sell as well. So don’t get mixed up between the two. Um. You know, not. Let’s say you’re doing like somebody wants to go on a trip, on a vacation holiday. You know them. They most probably want to come back without crashing. I’m talking about like. Drones are for warfare and stuff, but I still think. Um. Arms and ammunition. All very lucrative. You if you can make um weapons and it’s a sick, sick business, but. You know, like making cigarettes as well. Thanks. I don’t know. Think about boys. Have a look at what you want to think of a good business idea. Go to YouTube. And just get a piece of paper and look at all the videos and see how many videos have got something. Something to do with war, killing or like history, sword fights, bow, and arrow fights. Bombs, nuclear bombs, movies to do and movies. You know, fiction is nonfiction about war and violence. And. And you’ll see. You’ll start realizing that. You know, people say you tell children you know why is bad and you mustn’t lie and stuff. And you know we learn, look at World War One, World War 2, show many people die and starve and all. Run over by tanks, I saw this person. I didn’t see it. I wasn’t there, but I saw it in the movie. I mean this tank. It weighs I think 43. Turn literally turns and you know, well somebody wasn’t from the other side. Will someone be on your side. And the guy was maybe nervous, and his foot went on the accelerator instead of the brake and he drove over the sky, so he basically squashed him. So, I mean it’s hectic, but just but humans, will they see it? Well, they might even go to war when they young and understand, you know, they give all the knowledge that president, vice president or. General or whatever it is, and there’s no real difference, you know, you say? If you murder someone. The person that you’re killing in war has done nothing to you. They haven’t killed anyone, you know, or done something or cruel they might have, but generally the average person who’s 18 or 19, the chances are. That that person, that man or woman hasn’t done anything to you. And you kidding me? But now that’s legal. See, those are man-made laws. I’ve never understood that. But. It’s like. Well, that’s what armies do, basically. That’s why they have, you know, armies and stuff because they. Um. They teach you like they draw pictures, like with World War Two. They draw pictures of Japanese with funny teeth, make them look like rats, and then they say that rats. What’s it? The Black Death in the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages or whatever it is? And the way our brain works, it puts together like it says Japanese rats, the Black Death. And before you know it. Every Japanese person. Is it like carrying the Black Death? And that’s done on purpose to manipulate you, your own countries doing that on purpose to manipulate you. Because otherwise. I think most people in the beginning anyway. Wouldn’t want to. You know, shoot. What they’ll do is prove they’ll shoot like above people’s heads. You know, when no oneÔÇÖs looking because they don’t want to kill people, but then. They all kinds of tricks they do in the army. I’ve never been, but that’s what they do. And you know pictures of rats and then they make you run until you can’t walk anymore and make you jump in my down stuff until it’s just easier to listen to them than getting hit and shouted at and stuff and you justify it, and you make it OK. You know, it’s like how quickly you can get used to having a cold bath, you know? Yeah, the first few times it’s freezing, but after a month or two. Um. And. You know, capital of clever things. They tell you before you know you love having cold balls. Anyway, enough of that. Um. I don’t know if I should make this into a video, um. How else? How else could you make money? OK. Now. I warned you. You know, I’m not giving you all these brilliant ideas for free. I’m charging. OK, I’m not doing it for. You know. Because I want you to get rich. I’m doing it because I want to get rich. OK. If you want a product and. Website and it’s selling on the website. OK, you need advertising. So. I’m willing to advertise it. Well, you’re going to do the work, but I’m going to help you. Free advertising. So, you might say, what am I going to get out of it? Well. I’m doing the that’s totally free. OK. How much tell you how I’m doing for you because I care about people and how much good it is for the country, you know, everyone’s making money. It’s not like one person makes money and one person. You know, if you make money, then two people can’t make money. Doesn’t work like that if you look at countries like Switzerland or America 30 years ago. Or Iran, that’s usually you’ll find OK, so you’ve always got a couple of in Russia that like 10 maybe billionaires and the rest of the people are poor but. The wealthiest country where you have the strongest, you know, middle class in other words, the more people that have money. In other words, it’s. Money begets money. The richer people they are. You know, if one person is rich, it doesn’t mean the other person has to be poor. Because money is. I’m not going to get into that printing press, you know, Governance can print. Yeah, but it causes inflation. In other words, if you put, if you’re making a product and the other person is making a product, it’s etcetera, etcetera and you’re exporting it if you look at. Switzerland. It’s like um. Got like 90% of the people. Rich and then you go to run and money percent of the people are quote. So. Put it this way. It’s not like your cake, and if you take a slice, you need less. For everyone else it doesn’t work like that. If you’re making money. That you make like a new motor car or something? The cake is getting bigger. OK. So, in other words, you, you are paying tax. The more people that make money, the more tax. The countries got more money and that’s it. They’re like Hamas and them? And they waste there, the alien sees, and they. Just wasted them. They don’t know what they’re doing, but in a normal healthy country. Remove tax. The more money they’ve got, the more hospitals they can build, the more highways they can build. They can pay the police more money. So, you get some, you know, clever people who want to join the police. You’ve got your army; you’ve got this and that. Does that make sense? OK, so yeah, I’m not doing this for nothing, so I’m doing this. So, I can get rich. Right. You might ask, well, if I’m doing it for free, how do I get rich? OK, well, I’ll explain to you now. Um, the more people that come to. The website. That’s why marketplaces work. Because you know, say you’ve got. Say everyone’s got their little website and they’re selling 5 products or 20 products. You know. For consumers to go to 500 or 5000 different websites, I mean they don’t have all day, just you go from website to website, they want to go to one website or two or three and hopefully find the products they want the best price. So that’s what I’m trying to do now. The more decent products. OK. On the website, on the, the more people that go to the website, the more people are going to advertise, the more people that advertise. Especially if you can, if you don’t charge them. And you convince them to accelerate. I’m not charging you to advertise, so it usually costs between 15 and 35%. Of revenue for that month they spend on advertising. I’m not charging you anything for advertising, OK. However. If I were, I would never force a seller. You can sell if you want to charge the normal retail price that you charge when you. What’s it Pay per click? You know you’re paying up 30% or you and your product to Amazon and you’re paying a monthly fee and you’re paying between 7 and 25%. Now if you want to add on the 35% to your product and. You know, like everyone else. A great. Even if I’m charging you nothing, you’ll make an extra 35. Before you could send Michael Sellers as many products, but who cares, they may not like you and say. You know you’re going to sell more products. So, I can’t force you to because you’re saving money to sell for a lower price, but I can. I would never do that, but I can give you an incentive and that incentive is. If you. Go play fair. In other words, I’m not saying you should pass 35%, but. Saying if you reduce it. My fear mouths. You know, and you know that you, you, you’re giving the consumer a fair deal. You’re still making money. OK. Then I’m going to give you equity. In other words, you’re going to. OK. You say that we build up 200 sellers. OK. There might be 100 and 5200. It must be worked out and this is serious, and you take all the equity, in other words, what their companies. Worth giving the value. You must get professionals to do this to find the shares like a Co-op into blocks and each seller will get a block of shares. That’s voting rights as well. So. Do you think it’s said they 200 shares and they all voted; you know they all own the same amount of shares? Would they vote for you to put the advertising app you know, those to charge start charging for advertising, but to charge extra for advertising? A network will do that in advertising network, but if the shareholders or sellers. The chances are. It’s a I could basically say there’s 0% chance that they’re going to. All vote to start charging more for advertising. In other words, your long Do you have a product that you think is great or wonderful that you think will sell? Well, let’s try and sell it. What price? What do you want to sell it for? Do you have pictures of the product? OK, OK. Let me know what price you want to sell it at and e-mail me a few pictures. And let’s advertise it. Alright, see. If we can sell any. All the profit. Comes to you. OK, there’s no, there’s no charge. If a person wants to buy a product, they can contact you directly. And buy it from you. And that’s it. How many products do you have? Have you got any products? Or do you have to? Are you waiting to take deposits? Do you want people to pay you so that you can make the product? It always helps if you have. A few products. That you can at least show people how it works. It also helps if you have a website. But you don’t need a website. Because we’re going to advertise it on our website. Uh, if you have a website and you have the product listed on the website that that is also fine. Then what we will do is advertise them. Advertise the products. And have a link that goes to your website. For people who want to buy them. But if you don’t have a website then. People can contact you directly because you don’t want to sell it on another website. Because then the person is going to want a Commission. And you want you don’t want to give away any, any profits. You want to keep all the profits. You, see? If I am. If you go to a distributor. And. You know you say you want to sell. A branded product that’s well known, like an iPhone or a Seiko watch. OH. You know any product that those people know? Levi Jeans. You can’t buy from the manufacturer; you’re going to have to buy from the supplier. The problem? Here’s. These mega stores, you know, like Amazon and Walmart. There’s something called economies of scale. That means that the more that, uh, if it’s a big company, they got more money than you. They can buy in bulk, and they can then usually buy much cheaper. Because they’re buying it in bulk, that means they can sell cheaper. So, it’s very difficult to compete. Um. Selling in a well-known product. If you. Have your own brand. Or um. If you just like create something new. That might work. Otherwise. What you can do is. Well, they quoted his. When things fall off the truck, in other words, you wait around and you wait for trucks. You know, full of merchandise. And if a few iPhones fall off, if they don’t break, try and catch them before they hit the ground. Then you catch them and run off to the truck and you know if you can’t catch the truck and say the number plates covered, you don’t know who it belongs to. Then you go to the police, and you tell them that these things fell off the truck. But there was. You couldn’t see the number plate. Say it looked like you. You don’t know what sort of truck it was. It was whatever color it was. And you can always say that you color blind, so not sure of the color. And then I think it has to stay in the police station for. A certain number of weeks. You know, for somebody you’re trying to claim it, or for somebody. Put a case in to say that um. Something fell off the truck. They didn’t close it properly, so something fell out of the truck. And then then you do. You are being a Good Samaritan, You’re a good being, a good person. And you’re giving the stuff back to the millionaire who’s. We wouldn’t do the same if we’ll start fell off a truck, but that’s beside the point. But. We don’t work the way like they work. Which maybe that’s the reason they’re rich. But that’s. That’s the choice you have to make, but. If it’s up to me, I I don’t work right there. But they’ll say no one claims this stuff. Then. You can. Um. Will the website. If you’ve got a lot of things that fell off the track. You know, like the tracks on a steep hill and basically everything falls out. Or. Otherwise, you can just go to another website and say to them if if you sell, you know all this stuff fell off the back of the truck. And I went to the police station. We can’t find the owner. Yeah, you know, it’s been signed by the police. So, they’ve checked it out. So, so they’ve, you know, so it’s not stolen or anything. Once you get that letter, the websiteÔÇÖs owner will say OK, we’ll go 5050 and then you say no. I’ll give you 10% and the guy might say, OK, he might negotiate, OK, 25% say, and then you are getting say 2/3 and he’s getting a third. 33% whatever and he advertises it. And then he gets uh. You know, somebody likes it. He gets paid. And. Anyway, you work whatever that is art, and he pays you a certain amount and then you give him the product. That’s one way of doing it. No, there’s is another way of doing it. And that is to invent something. Like there was a guy who invented the the jet engine. Let’s say we have You Wait until there’s a war, World War 3. Hopefully it won’t happen, but if it does happen, and. Then you work out how to. You know like the engine that makes what’s that American plane that that the if 22 whatever you try you try and make the F23. You know, it helps if you’ve got an engineering degree, but if you don’t, you can just do what the Russians do and like. Use gaming software and make it look unfamiliar. No, that’s that won’t work because when you must deliver the product, they might say you’re cheating them. That won’t work. So, you have to know how to make a plane. If you can make your plan, then you can sell it to, you know, India and all these countries because they’re worried about war. You can sell to all of them, and you can make 1,1,000,000 because. You know each plane you can sell for about $300 million. Through. Another way of making money is. Submarines, but um. It’s usually quite secretive and. You might need, uh, what you call those nuclear submarines. You might need to mine that. Heads up. What do you call it? Not lithium. It’s called plutonium. I think it must be 95 or 90%. Um. We found. And you’ll make it. You’ll add value because you you’re doing your submarine plus, you’re doing the. The Tanium, whatever you call it. That’s another way of doing this. A really simple way is to create like. Products like, you know like tribal products and the conduit in Australia because. OH, all the Aborigines were killed by the Australians. Hang on a SEC. Yeah. You call me. Yeah. OH, thanks my friend for putting my pants on. I’m coming. 1/6. Hey. What? OH, thanks brother. OK, let’s carry on. Now. You must also think of if people sit, you know, and they write. Even if itÔÇÖs brilliant writing, like mine, and they’re telling you. Ways to make money. You must also remember that unless you know baby, I’m very, very wealthy. Um, but OK, well, I’m not, but. Let’s pretend I was then. And now I’m I’ve made so much money. Billions and billions of. Rare and or dollars? And I’m just bored with life. So then then then that’s a good idea. You must listen to what I say. But now let’s say. Because I’m honest, it’s said that I’m not rich. OK. Because I’m honest, but we don’t know about, you know, the other people writing about us. Now if if the person is not rich and they’re giving you all these ways to make money and then on top of it they’re going to they want to charge you if it’s $1.00 or. $500 or. What? Whatever. You know, whatever. They going to charge you? Um. People don’t usually do things for free; you know? Now, now think about it. They’re not. They’re not rich. They’ve got no money. But they’re giving you all these ways to make money. Plus, they’re charging you know You have to get. Think about this now. Think deeply if they’re not rich. And if the ideas can make so much money, like all my ideas, you know, like making error planes for the Air Force. Submarines, you know, nuclear submarines, now they can make billions and billions, OK, but now if if they got no money. And they’re cheating you. How to make money? OK. And they’re charging you. That means they are making more money by charging $1.99 or $10 to all the people that are reading what they write so now. If they’re trying to make money, wouldn’t they rather make submarines or? OH, make cellular phones. Whatever it is that they suggest you do. Because. A good one is like um. What do you call it like a a multi vin mender vendor market pressure. As I say create Amazon created like an Amazon or Etsy or or eBay, you know, like it’s easy OK but they’re sitting the software. Now. They probably don’t have that much money. OK. Possibly selling software for say $100 or whatever it is. OK. Now if they are saying you could make a Amazon or make one of these marketplaces. Those marketplaces, some of them are worth hundreds of millions of. Of dollars. So, if it’s that easy to make it, you must ask yourself why aren’t they using this software to make their own Amazon? To make hundreds of millions of. Dollars instead of giving the software away for. $50.00 or $100 every single year. If you think about it, they must be making more money from. Sitting the software for a few dollars than they are. I mean, if it was that easy, they wouldn’t give the software away. For even $1,000,000. Doesn’t make sense. They would rather make the own Amazon and even if they. Make half as much as that other that funny little guy. Started Amazon? I mean they are saying you can start eBay or Amazon. I mean there are those all those companies are worth 10s or hundreds of of billions of dollars or even if it’s worth. $100 million or never mind the billion dollars. OK. Why are you so lucky? Or why am I so lucky that they are selling me that software so I can make my own Amazon and be worth 150 billion? Dollars. People aren’t that generous. You see, so now that is what you call a red flag. Now when you see a red flag and it’s, you know, like in the wind flapping. Vets. You can also call it to red herring, and I bet something different because that’s, you know, in water that’s something different but a red flag that means you must be careful that. If it were so easy to make Alibaba or. Amazon or eBay. People are not that nice. They wouldn’t give you the secret to the software. As I said, they’re making more money from selling the software for $1.50 or $100 a year. In other words, they’re making $100 a year where they could be if they if they made if they used the software themselves, they would be making a billion dollars a year. Sit. So that means that’s a red flag. That means something is not. Is not right, so you must be careful of that. Um, what’s the other thing? So, it’s the same as with websites, you know these book website builders that say? Three-page website for $500 or? Or something. You know. Having a getting a say you sitting depends you know on the website, but if you’re selling products. ItÔÇÖs not that complicated. You can do it yourself. But you see the website, if it’s a Wicks or Shopify, they’re making much more money. Bye. Letting other people build websites. Yeah, if it was so profitable to have a website, they would build their own website, so. I think Shopify has something like. Is it 6000 or is it 6,000,000 I’m not sure. Big difference, but you get the idea. In other words, they make more money by making it easy. I think it used to be $30, you know, for a basic website and you get a shopping cart and this and that. I think it used to be $30, you know, for a basic website and you must. They all hidden things as well, like you must remember like. They’ll say it’s free for a year and a domain free for a year, but just remember if it’s free for one year. The second year they’re going to charge you. Double what? A normal registrar. Website you know a domain company will charge. It’s $13 for If they sell 3 for a year, the next. They the next year they will charge you like $20.00 so in other words. There’s nothing for nothing. There’s nothing for free if that makes sense. OK, so. OK. You know, put it this way to get a shot. You know to pay a rent, you know. Ring’s not cheap to find a shop, even if it’s a small shop. Rule shop in a in a bad area with some traffic or shopping center is expensive. So. In a in a sense, a website is good because it’s. You know for 30 Rand or $30.00 a month you can build your own website with a shopping cart and you can take pictures of your products and you know what I mean? So, it’s a lot cheaper and and also if your product doesn’t sell. OK. It’s not like you’ve signed a lease for six months or a year where you have to keep paying every month for the lease, even if you don’t use the shop. Because. The person who owns the property. They are cruel. They don’t care if your product doesn’t sell. And you can’t pay for them. They just smell blood, and they’ll just see you. We are a website. You can just stop paying the 30 or 50 or 50 or 60 or $70.00 a month. Or you can do a cheap one. I think you can even start for free. You pay nothing. And it doesn’t have to be on your own website. If the products are good enough, it doesn’t matter if it’s it’s. Word press dot ABC minus 34510964321. Trust me if somebody’s getting an iPhone or a brand new. Whatever 4 by 4. For $50 instead of $50,000, they will. To quickly go and ask somebody for a pen and write down the website. You know even if it’s 5 -, 4, three, 21, ABC, 213-4567. It doesn’t have to be like, you know if the products are good. Don’t worry, the person will write it down, then they’ll remember the website. So it’s better to do it for free. You know first. Um. Otherwise, it’s just wasting money. And then put one or two products on and see if there’s some interest. OK, but you must remember this about websites. It’s one thing having the website. Yeah, it’s a good idea because. You know you have a shot. And you know it’s in a shopping center, and you must have. Hundreds of thousands of shopping centers around the world. The website You Can you basically it’s like having a shop in every shopping center all over the world, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey in Israel, even if they are fighting with each other. You can still sell them, you know, especially if you’re selling weapons. You know, you can sell weapons to both. If you know what I mean. And if it works then maybe do your own. Buy your own domain and everything, but don’t put the cart in front of the horse. Does that make sense? Don’t put the horse in front. No, don’t put the cart in front of the horse, because the horse needs to be in front of the cart to pull it. The cart in front of the horse. You know, by like, opening a shop in every shopping center. Anyway, that’s something different. I’m confusing myself here but that’s yeah, that’s some at the about the best advice you’re going to get from. Best business advice? Now I suppose I have to say that I’m not. Um. I’m not. Um. An investment? Um. Advisor. Mother. Professional in. Investment advisor. So, um, I’m just giving you, my opinion. If, if, it doesn’t work. In other words, if you have, let’s say you try to build a nuclear submarine and you’ve got orders. Please, you cannot sue me if. If it doesn’t work out. I’m not saying it won’t, I’m just saying that if it doesn’t, it’s just my opinion. Sometimes even you know the best. But even in in in America, you know where they’ve got Mac, McDonald, Douglas and what’s that other one called? In fact, if flight. Fried chicken. But no, no, sorry. Boeing. The Boeing. You’re the Boeing Company, The Concord company. Well, yeah, yeah. You know, planes, planes crash like that. That doesn’t mean that. That you can make money making plans. But what’s a good idea is if your planes always crash, is see if you can buy a passport for Russia. No, because they’re their own mind. As you know, it looks good. If it if it crashes. You know, more often than in the West it’s not as serious. I mean, the idea is don’t build something that you know you won’t make more money for crashes the more crashes. You must try and make something that crashes as little as possible. Especially if it’s a human pilot. Piloting it. But let me not get mixed up here. It’s meant to crash, you know, they’ve got these like. Drones where you put bombs on them. Then it’s meant to crash. Then if it if it crashes, then the more crashes, the more money you’ll make, the more you’ll sell as well. So don’t get mixed up between the two. Um. You know, not. Let’s say you’re doing like somebody wants to go on a trip, on a vacation holiday. You know them. They most probably want to come back without crashing. I’m talking about like. The drones for for warfare and stuff, but I still think. Um. Arms and ammunition. All very lucrative. You if you can make um weapons and it’s a sick, sick business, but. You know, like making cigarettes as well. Thanks. I don’t know. Think about boys. Have a look at what you want to think of a good business idea. Go to YouTube. And just get a piece of paper and look at all the videos and see how many videos have got something. Something to do with war, killing or like history, sword fights, bow, and arrow fights. Bombs, nuclear bombs, movies to do and movies. You know, fiction is nonfiction about war and violence. And. And you’ll see. You’ll start realizing that. You know, people say you tell children you know why is bad and you mustn’t lie and stuff. And you know we learn, look at World War One, World War 2, show many people die and starve and all. Run over by tanks, I saw this person. I didn’t see it. I wasn’t there, but I saw it in the movie. I mean this tank. It weighs I think 43. Turn literally turns and you know, well somebody wasn’t from the other side. Will someone be on your side. And the guy was maybe nervous, and his foot went on the accelerator instead of the brake and he drove over the sky, so he basically squashed him. So, I mean it’s hectic, but just but humans, will they see it? Well, they might even go to war when they young and understand, you know, they give all the knowledge that president, vice president or. General or whatever it is, and there’s no real difference, you know, you say? If you murder someone. The person that you’re killing in war has done nothing to you. They haven’t killed anyone, you know, or done something or cruel they might have, but generally the average person who’s 18 or 19, the chances are. That that person, that man or woman hasn’t done anything to you. And you kidding me? But now that’s legal. See, those are man-made laws. I’ve never understood that. But. It’s like. Well, that’s what armies do, basically. That’s why they have, you know, armies and stuff because they. Um. They teach you like they draw pictures, like with World War Two. They draw pictures of Japanese with funny teeth, make them look like rats, and then they say that rats. What’s it? The Black Death in the Middle Ages or the Dark Ages or whatever it is? And the way our brain works, it puts together like it says Japanese rats, the Black Death. And before you know it. Every Japanese person. Is is like carrying the Black Death? And that’s done on purpose to manipulate you, your own countries doing that on purpose to manipulate you. Because otherwise. I think most people in the beginning anyway. Wouldn’t want to. You know, shoot. What they’ll do is actually proven they’ll shoot like above people’s heads. You know, when no oneÔÇÖs looking because they don’t want to kill people, but then. They all kinds of tricks they do in the army. I’ve never been, but that’s what they do. And you know pictures of rats and then they make you run until you can’t walk anymore and make you jump in my down stuff until it’s just easier to term strategy is your advertising. Internet on a network that. Is owned. Buy sellers. So, it’s advertising centric. OK. If it’s. Products if you’re manufacturer, anyone else advertising You could if you do more photography, or if you. Like you write articles you know you write well. And you publish it like on, you know, it’s like a publishing platform. And they say they can share profits, but they give you sense, they give you a cent on the dollar or something, same thing, you can still be on. That website only has your own website, same as if you’re selling. You can still sell in marketplaces. You can still advertise, but over here. Do you own this? That form you can advertise for free. Um. That’s how it works. Better. I’m afraid you’re going to have to work out. Um. It was alright. To be honest with you, I don’t think the submarine, the nuclear submarine, is a brilliant idea. OH, my ideas are brilliant. You know, Donald Trump has sounded like Donald Trump. The right time. OK, my ideas might not be. As. Brilliant as I think they are, but. Trust your work out. Find a product that might take some time. Get the website going. And then? Come and advertise. Umm. And. Yeah. You don’t have to reduce the price, but you know compared to. What is it going to cost you if you advertise? And then advertising prices are going to keep going up because that’s the primary strategy. Go to Google. Or Facebook. And I guarantee you decision one of the meetings, they primary strategy, the most basic strategy is that’s how I make money is because they want to. They want to increase once, they want to slowly, they want to keep increasing. In the advertising rates, so this. So, you’ve got the seller, itÔÇÖs not them that are doing it to you, it’s the bloody cellar, the cellar. He’s in the same industry as you. OK, when? When you when you’re making money, He’s making money. OK, but they? They do it in such a way that the seller must compete with the seller. It’s like a casino. It’s almost like you’re having a business, and you turn it into a. Gambling, the seller competes with the seller, and they slowly increase, increase it. So, it’s going to end up being the highest advertising. Global advertising costs the world has ever seen. That’s why they’ve, I mean if you look at Google, they’ve put in. I mean, it’s a mature company Google Now and. They were quite diverse. They basically sold up everything and it really is over 90% of their revenue. It coming from digital advertising. Facebook, they’ve come on to the same thing. And. And there are three or four companies. What’s LinkedIn, Whatever. Now you might say all the huge companies. Yeah, they are huge. They’re the biggest companies in the world, sure, but only three or four of them. So that’s the supply. So, the supply is tiny if they’re huge companies, but if you take those through your four or five companies, the supply. Of advertising, I look at the demand just in China, I mean the I think next year they said in the next three or four years there’s an extra brilliant people who are going to want to advertise, pay for advertising. So, the demand for advertising. It’s so much bigger than the supply. It’s going to go up. It must go up. It’s going to be the next like oil. It’s going to cause inflation. Think about it. Everything we buy is coming, going to be online, OK, and. Everyone there more and more people. I mean it’s still it shouldn’t be growing like this, it’s still growing. It’s like 2023% per year. What’s it business to consumer be to business to business is growing, they all growing. In other words, it’s still growing. But I think we’ve, I don’t know. I’m totally guessing now, but I think it’s. Something like 1/3 of sales is, is online. It’s going to be like 90% of sales are online and the way China is growing, and the way India is. Is it is growing? I mean it. Has anyone stalked it? I mean. There are going to be billions of people coming online and we still got those three or four. People, the companies, they are huge companies. But when you compare it to the demand for advertising. You just caught. They’ve invested so much because they’re years ahead of. I mean, I’m smart, I’m quite stupid. Take people that consider themselves smart. Google is years ahead of those people. OK, like you think. You know, like with. What’s the phone? Android so nice and Google giving them away for free? No, they worked out where they would make the most money. Look to have all the Android apps and everything and others to be the biggest producer of smartphones on the planet. They would touch if they gave it away, they let people under license. So, they are still making money. But basically, all these small manufacturers, you know they’re not stupid, they are years ahead of us. Why do you think? At Google or offering you. Um, free. You know those two products for free. They’re not doing it to help you. And. Look. Let’s say they. They should never have the next three or 400 billion or half a trillion a year. If. You know, interesting website. Um, if they got even a fairy turn. I know they listed their products, so they listed the 20 or 50 products if. If they got needles, if they were in their search results, if they sell like winter. That even but by 20 or 30%. Guess what they are going to do? What would I do? What would you do? You’ve got Facebook, you’ve got, you’ve got three or four companies. No. If even if it went up by 20% yourselves, all you do is go to Google and then you go to Windows and Bing, Microsoft and you go to Facebook and each one getting 20%, you’re going to stop paying for advertising. So instead of Google trading over half a trillion on digital advertising, it’s going to drop by 50%. So that that whole free thing, what they’re doing, all they’re doing is getting market share because humans are lazy. They understand that once you’ve learned their OK, it’s very similar to another system. OK, you know, you got a product free, save it as an ASV therefore work. OH, all the advertising. You can do it on other platforms, but that’s the easiest one because you don’t need your code, you just save it as a CSV. And it’s not like OK, they’re different, you have to you might have to put that column next to that and that number by that row. It’s not because. Ones right away is wrong, it’s just. It’s like a USB OK, eventually they might be the same as that beats a Max and DHS. They’re both. There’s nothing wrong with what with one. But people do things differently, that’s all. So, it takes, you know, take you a couple of hours and you just used to the way Google does it. It’s not that hard getting used to the way Microsoft does it. Or Facebook. That people are lazy. You used to have Googles doing it because they’ve offered it for free. And it’s going to be more like an atomic bomb just because you don’t get a return, that’s not the reason. I mean they control 90% of the search market anyway. There’s no reason to go to a different network or you might go to two or three networks, but. Because, you know Google, when you start paying for advertising, which you’re going to do because you’re not getting any return from not paying. Um. It’s, it’s. It’s. It’s funny. ItÔÇÖs a no brainer. I mean because if you’ve got even a. General 20% return. No one would pay for advertising. OK, so when you do start paying for advertising. You’re ready with Google. So, it’s like you’re really with Android. Why go to Apple? OK, doesn’t really work like that, but what I’m saying is, you know how Google works or when you stop paying for advertising. The bottom line is they’re giving it away free just to teach you this system. And they know we humans, we learn their system. So, when we start paying for advertising or the millions of different websites, we’re going to stay with Google. OK, enough of that. And what’s my I’m doing it for free because I’m just a good person and I’m very, very smart. OK, now we’ve covered that. I’m not very smart. So, you should all understand what I’m saying. Um. I’m saying take the road, less travel. No, the go to these, you know. Microsoft and Bing and stuff, I mean now, but your long-term strategy? Your marketing strategy, you, you go to an agency, the first thing they’re going to say to you, do you have a, do you have a a marketing strategy? Whatever. Well, guiding with, you know, with Google and stuff by default is your marketing strategy. Might be a mistake. Just think about it. You know you’re doing business with the account now if you imagine having the partner as your medium- or long-term strategic partner, again there might, there might not. You know, look at countries like America and Russia. Russia wants the world to be. Totally different. Wave in America OK England and America? Yeah, they can do. Business. They might not want everything or agree on everything, but they’ve got certain strategies. You know that line up. OK. Now it’s the same as when you’re doing business if you’re doing business for you know, from a supplier or someone who you know on an advertising network. This is like exactly America and Russia if you look at look at it already used names, you look at Google. Facebook, they look you know short, medium, long-term strategy is too. Increase the cost of advertising as much as they can. They will do it slowly. You know, causing you don’t notice it but excuses. That’s what they want you to do, We the seller. Once you reduce, keep the advertising cost as low as possible. You see instead they’re very clever. They’ve turned it into a gambling like there’s going to be like AA Alcoholics Anonymous or gambling was a GTA, however you spell gambling. Anonymous is going to be people look at it’s going to be worse because they say no, but it’s my business and I’m not gambling, but it’s going to, because you’re gambling on every single sort of once a month you are gambling. This strategy is the most lucrative marketing strategy. We have experienced this from an advertising point of view. People are going to make more money advertising than from any other industry. That’s going to be, it’s going to be like oils going to cause inflation. It’s going to be because everything we buy, we buy online and they control that advertising, celebrating, celebrating. So, in other words if you choose one of those networks, OK, out of those three or four. Networks. It’s like. Trying to get your business, but you got America and Russia instead of going with. Russia and Iran, you know, at least they’ve got something in common. Or China and Russia at least they might. It might just be that they both are against the West, but they’ve got some intrinsic. Similarity. OK. Same as sinners, your cell and other cells show you competing, but you’ve got some strategy that’s that that you can relate to each other. In other words, you both want to pay low advertising rates, OK, but you have a long-term strategic relationship. An advertising network that wants the complete opposite thing. It’s like. Second, Mary came in Russia. On our America and Iran. Except, you know, now the advertising agencies in America. And we are. He ran. If you think of the size as supply. Sure, they’re big companies, but the only one, three or four companies? You are like they’re the biggest companies in the world, but you can’t take those three or four companies, however big they could be. The the biggest four companies in the world, but it’s just said they work. Compared to. The entire. The entire globe. Every single website. Every single manufacturer. Every single person on the Internet. OK. In other words, the supply. This tiny demand is huge, OK? The price is going to go up. Does that make sense? I understand that I’m, I’m afraid Bridge look at this like that from a seller. So yes, it’s a road. Yes, it’s easier to go with one of the networks now you know they they’re huge and you pay for advertising and. You don’t feel you don’t realize what’s going on. And how addictive it is, because you know you get instant results and you’re paying and OK, it’s $0.35 or $0.40 or $1.20, but let’s say that let’s do it one dollar $51.80 before you notice going to be 4-5 dollars for every single product. OK. And say if you’ve got 20 products, 100 products, you know that I saw something that Amazon, Walmart, they spend something like 2 or 300 million. It’s. I was going to say half a trillion. No, it’s about 1/4 of a trillion per month on advertising some of these companies, OK. And those, those are the biggest companies. So, what do you think is going to happen to the small? Mr. The medium companies, the smallest, say 10 or 20%. In other words, the companies you know, like you and me, we have. It could be, you know, you might start. Phones. I might have had five products, OK? You might have 20, you might have 200, you might have 500. You might even have 1000. OK. But those companies, if they don’t take the road, less travel? OK, if they don’t do something different like what I’m suggesting, OK, advertise for free. But. Get shares. Own it as well, so you might end up making you will. If it works, you’ll make more money from the advertising agency because you can sell your shares you get. All the shareholders, you the way it works is a color you don’t get. Like one or two companies going around and buying up all the shares because they’ve got a couple of billion Rand in the in the Kitty. It’s a cop. It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t. Even if you’ve got the money, you can’t. In other words, if you want to do something, everyone must vote. If somebody wants to, it’s not nonprofit. It’s for profit. You’re not paying for anything for your block of shares. But if you want to sell it, I think you must get 75 or 80% of all the other sellers. All the other advertisers must agree. And then the person can say it that won’t affect the price, OK. The price is what somebody is willing to pay for it. It could be another or it must be another. There would be a lot more sellers. We are only you know start with a few 100 and that’s the shares and if they want to buy. In other words, they must buy into advertisement. That they don’t have to buy him. Anyone can advertise any any setup that I’m saying. If they want shares, if they want to profit, not just from. Not paying for advertising, but if they want to. To profit from their appreciation. In other words, owning stock in the company, OK. I mean, if you’re giving the company business, even if you’re not paying for advertising, you’re giving them business like you imagine owning. Part of that company, even if you own a couple of percent or half a percent, you own half a percent of Google, Google or something, and your billionaire. No, I’m not. I’m not saying that. But you could be within 5 or 10 years, you could be with. 50 million a 100 million if you buy those shares now. I hope you; I hope you’re hearing me. Thank you very much. I. I’ll put more details below. I’m using my voice now but thank you. Thanks for listening. Stop. Stop. Don’t type Stop, Stop. No, don’t type. Just. In. Thank you. No don’t type thank you.

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When you add a product please include the direct link (URL) to the products landing page. The link (URL) can be to your website, or marketplace that you use to list your products. As long as the product listed can be purchased from the link (URL)  If you add the wrong link you will probably loose the sale. When listing or adding the product you will see the input box for the product link or URL.

All sales (Transactions & payments) take place on the sellers website, or marketplace.  You are welcome to advertise products on any marketplace including: B2C, B2B, C2B, C2M etc. Amazon, Takealot, eBay etc. BrowSearch is pronounced ‘Browse & Search.’  Get Started Today: Register an Account


Importing Your Product Feed to Feedonomy

You have the option to import your product feed to Feedonomy or add products manually. If you don’t have a product feed csv. don’t worry; we’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Free Per-Click Advertising (FPC)

At Feedonomy, we offer a unique advertising model that sets us apart from traditional pay-per-click (PPC) platforms. We operate on a “Free Per-Click” (FPC) basis, meaning you can advertise your products without the cost of each click.

Feedonomy Merchant Center

Learn more about our Merchant Center and how it can benefit your eCommerce business. 

Simple Account Creation

Signing up for an account is a breeze. Go to Register, add a Username, Email address, and password. The Application Form should open automatically.  All we need is your store name. The other fields can remain empty. You can always add more details at a later stage. 

24/7 Availability

With Feedonomy, your product listings are available to shoppers around the clock, 24/7. We also encourage you to explore other advertising networks and platforms that may allow you to add your listings free of charge.

Understanding the Strategy of Leading Ad Platforms

Many leading advertising platforms have shifted their focus towards Digital Advertising (DA) and are offering free listings to gain market share. They understand that once your free listings don’t perform, you’re more likely to stick with their platform when you decide to start a paid ad campaign.

Unbundling the Casino-Like System

The current advertising landscape can be likened to a casino, where the supply side is dominated by a few giants. These companies have invested heavily in DA, essentially creating a monopoly on global advertising. This system forces sellers to bid against each other for visibility.

A Shift in the Ecommerce Business

Ecommerce businesses, especially those without the economies of scale of giants like Amazon and Walmart, need to adapt to survive. The key to their survival lies in finding an alternative to the current go to advertising networks as their medium to long term marketing partners. If you take the strategy of these networks and that is to increase global  advertising costs continually.

When formulating your medium to long-term marketing strategy to choose companies that have intrinsically opposite strategic goals to you is a mistake. Put it like this I would guess the average advertiser does not have as their primary strategy to increase advertising rates globally and continually until advertising costs are the most expensive in the history of our planet.

Need I say more when in my opinion the advertisers primary strategy is the complete opposite of the advertising networks!

I fear in the medium term most of the small ecommerce companies will have to merge if possible or will no longer be in business in the next 2 -10 years! Unless they work together and come up with a novel smart yet simple solution; and that includes owning their own advertising network.

BrowSearch, and Feedonomy are the world’s leading FPC (Free-Per-Click) advertising networks. BrowSearch is pronounced ‘Browse & Search’ We are 100% advertising centric. That does not mean after we have appeased our shareholders. That is not 100% advertiser centric. In fact, that is not even 10% advertising centric. We are 100% advertiser centric as all our shareholders are advertisers. Only advertisers can be shareholders.

The only way small and medium size ecommerce companies will survive over the next 10 years is by taking the road less traveled! That incorporates owning their own advertising networks with all strategies and management policies be put to the vote.

The first 200 advertisers to create accounts and begin advertising will get the opportunity to apply for equity. These shares will include equity ownership plus voting rights. This will be explained on our website during the next few months. Go to: Contact us: BrowSearch-Feedonomy Email:     

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News, media and marketplace advertising
Get your E-Script within 60 minutes. Your E-Script will be emailed directly to the pharmacy of your choice.
BROWSEARCH MPR - 'Medicine Price Registry' INFORMING CONSUMERS ABOUT THE PRICE OF MEDICINES IN SOUTH AFRICA MPR can be used to find out what you can expect when your doctor prescribes you something; find out if there are cheaper generics that you can use instead; and make sure that you aren’t being overcharged.
*Your existing advertising campaigns will not be affected! BrowSearch is pronounced ‘Browse & Search.’

Feedonomy assists clients manage their advertising campaigns and optimize their product feed.  Feedonomy advocates ad., networks like Google Ads. and Microsoft-Bing. However, choosing one or both of these networks as your primary (DA) Digital Advertising partner is a mistake. 

They may be the go-to networks and even the most proficient option at this time. Simply due to their reach it makes sense. But when formulating your marketing strategy; ask yourself if it is in your best interest? Read more. Courtesy Feedonomy. Feedonomy is the Feedonomy in BrowSearch-Feedonomy. Email:  – 23, October 2023.

Shopping Engines ∣ Shopping Media Networks

All our shopping engines ∣ Shopping Media Networks are owned by the advertisers. The first 200 active advertisers will be gifted an equal amount of shares (equity) & voting rights.



Shopping Engines ∣ Shopping Media Networks

All our shopping engines ∣ Shopping Media Networks are owned by the advertisers. The first 200 active advertisers will be gifted an equal amount of shares (equity) & voting rights.





Your Product Headings May Be Perfect For Humans; but AI Algorithms Are Amazingly Smart & Completely Stupid. Shopfilter takes care of the completely stupid leaving you to benefit from the amazingly smart. Shopfilter by BrowSearch-Feedonomy. Browsearch is pronounced 'Browse & Search'

ShopFilter™ Is A Unique Feedonomy Taxonomy that is designed to work with AI Listing Technology. Making sure your Listing Your AI Taxonomy. Unlock the power of ShopFilter Taxonomy—a simple yet groundbreaking feature designed to elevate your product listings. By categorizing your products with ShopFilter, you automatically increase their visibility to both B2B and B2C audiences.

Shopfilter™ ensures your listings reach their intended buyers! Shopfilter is also able to target several markets simultaneously. With Shopfilter you only need one listing instead of several to target wholesale & retail consumers. Get noticed by both business buyers and individual consumers. [How It Works]

Under construction. (Link to a detailed page or section)

Save time by targeting B2C & B2B Consumers with A Single Listing! The target market is the same with bespoke listings reaching both Marketplaces. With a Single Heading, Image & Description Your single Listing Takes the place of two or three bespoke Product Ads. Your Online Presence is consistently multiplied.


Sellers: Advertise your Product Ads100% Free.  No (Pay-Per-Click) No fees, costs or tricks whatsoever. All transactions take place on your website. Go to: BrowSearch Your product ads will be distributed on several sites & platforms. Including: Feedonomy.

Step 1 – Register. (Below) on the right see ‘Register’ Add a *Username & Email address. Please, remember to Tick both boxes: ¹Apply to register as a seller?  ²I have read and accepted the terms and conditions. Note: *Usernames cannot be changed. That’s it! You have registered on Feedonomy. The Feedonomy Merchant Center Store Application page should open automatically!

Step 2 – Apply for your Merchant Center store. We require your Store Name, Email Address & URL. You can decide at a later stage to add more details. On the bottom left Click Send. 

You will be notified by email with the results of your application.

Feedonomy FPC (Free-Per-Click)™ Content Advertising - Publish News Ads, Article Ads

Publish News articles, stories, Reviews, Product News etc.

In order to publish content you need to Create an account. 

  • Add a Post Title.
  • Complete Antispam Question.
  • Choose at least one image.

Promote Your Content in an Interactive Shopping Cart Grid. Boost your readership by sharing engaging news headlines and images in a shopping cart archive grid. Publish 70% of your article here, with a link directing readers to finish it on your site or marketplace. This format allows news, educational content, and products to be displayed together, creating an immersive experience for readers and encouraging clicks to your content.
Please complete the required fields.
Please select your image(s) to upload.

Shop Renewable Energy - South Africa

Sellers and Suppliers of Renewable Energy, Solar & Backup Power - Advertise Your Product Ads.

100% Free Advertising – Note: This offer does not expire.

Welcome to BrowSearch-Feedonomy
BrowSearch (pronounced “Browse & Search”) is your go-to platform for finding reliable suppliers and products in the renewable energy space, including solar solutions, backup power, batteries, and more. Our focus is on connecting South African consumers with trusted brands and sellers. Unlike open marketplaces, we carefully select suppliers to ensure quality and avoid the frustrations of misleading products and returns. We offer Free-Per-Click (FPC) advertising, allowing suppliers to list their products without any costs, fees, or listing limits. Your products and ads are uploaded directly, and all transactions occur on your own site, giving you full control. If you need help with product feeds or listings, we can assist at no cost. While our platform is still growing, below you’ll find a search block and a menu featuring companies we’ve personally vetted. If you believe your company has been overlooked or you’d like to be included, please contact us to have your products added. We’re continually working to expand our listings and build a marketplace that prioritizes quality and trust.

ShoppEngine Media Network

“Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have a strong online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.”

If you look carefully, you will notice the more popular a product or brand the more listings you will find. Not advertisement we are talking about product listings.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. By listing your product ads your Google Ads (Free & Paid) Campaigns will improve.  Sellers pay no advertising costs.  FPC. (Free-Per-Click) Only.

Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually.

All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommended sellers pass their savings onto the consumer. While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices, we will provide incentives making it a no brainer for sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer.

We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.) thus the first 500 sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search.

Contact us for details: l Email:  BrowSearch-Rx (Co-op.) Medical Professionals & Pharmacies Email:

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