This image is being used for the logo of BrowSearch-Feedonomy the shopping engine and advertising network. BrowSearch is pronounced “Browse & Search” We distribute your product ads & content across multiple domains and TLDs (top-level domains) such,, .org, and more.

What are Product Ads?

This image describes product ads. From the Feedonomy Merchant Centre you can list a product ad by adding a product header, product image, and product description. The image has blue arrows pointing to each part of the product ad.

Feedonomy Products Ads

Feedonomy Products Ads are the same as Google Shopping Ads or Google Product Ads. If you have products or services to sell. It makes sense to advertise your products.

If you already advertising with Google or listing your products with Google your existing advertising will not be affected.  Remember Feedonomy Product Ads are FPC (Free-Per-Click) and all our listings are added to Google Ads, and Google Free Listings. While Free listings on Google usualy do not produce much improvment as if they did half their advertisers would stop paying for advertising.

But, the way Google works is its programmed to increase positive search results based on the number of listings!

Its basic economies of scale. If I have 20SKU’s or 100SKU’s I may as well not even list for free on Google.

But, if I have 3000 SKU’s or 20 000 SKU’s then Google Ads thinks I am a huge online seller!

If you were Google would you prefer having advertisers that spend $1000.00 or $100 million (USD) per month. It is automatic and logical. That is why it is in your interest to add your listings to Feedonomy on so many levels. While you increase your online presence by 200% or 300% overnight, results dont work like that. It can take 2-3 months to really begin to expereince all the benifits not just the improved results but the upswing in the number of online sellers selling the same brand and model number. The more sellers the better it is for you as the product is believed to be a better quality. I cannot write it more simply. That is exactly how the system works. 

  play a part. Put simply the more listings or product ads you have the better the results! It works like this as their algorythm wants to ensure they get all the large online sellers. Just take a few examples. Companies like Amazon, Waltons, and EBay can spend 100’s of million of USD per month on advertising.  However, if your product is listed with another seller it is like having two adverts for Apple iPhone with two seperate sellers. All that does is provide a lot more onlin presence for your product.

It increases your reach and will over time increase your sales. Compared to text ads, which displays text only, back to searching for websites and when you just want to find a product, we know how frustrating and time consuming it can be going from website to website, all the cookie things, pop-ups, and chirpings this is the opposite of shopping. That is why shopping engines (product-based search engines) are rated so much higher by users who are shopping! 

Product ads show users a photo of your product, plus a title, price, store: name product description, link URL landing page These ads give users a strong sense of the product you’re selling before they click the ad, which gives you more qualified leads. The link View all sellers products: Once you create an account and choose a store name then all products from that seller will be available on the page in archive display.

The Go to sellers product page: URL directly to the sellers product landing page product page. But, that also serves  as a quick purchase link. If a consumer is interested and would like more info, theyu can click within the red border of the archive or product ad, this will open the products full page. All the links and sellers header and logo is visible on the full product page. From the Feedonomy Merchant Center Note: The Merchant Center is only available to Feedonomy Advertisers &  (Members)  You can change layouts, designs, content add more images etc. In other words it is more like a leading marketplace when it comes to optimization and design in general. Sellers can also add more details, and publish reviews, product news articles etc. All this can be done from the About the  Feedonomy Merchant Center.  

1Let’s not get into how or why shopping engines (product-based search engines) function so much better than leading search engines.2 Why leading search engines cannot just flick a switch or create a new algorithm and then outperform the shopping engine. Unfortunately, it does not work like that. Read more

Quick start:

If you would like us to add all your product listings. 

  1. You’ll send us your product data (product feed CSV.) We will create an account on Feedonomy, on your behalf. We will provide you with proof before we publish.
  2. Content Ads: (Beta) We can also publish content ads on your behalf. If you have a ‘news articles or promotional content like ‘product news’ you can forward the content to us.
  3. Product listings on Google
    Get your products in front of the hundreds of millions of people who come to Google every day for their shopping needs. We’re here to help you get discovered, with the choice to list for free, advertise, or sell on Google. Note: BrowSearch is pronounced 

This rich visual presentation helps catch a search user’s interest, and helps them make purchase decisions even before they click your ad. This can translate into greater engagement, higher click-through rates, and higher conversion rates.

The process for creating Feedonomy product ads is slightly different when compared to Google or Bing. 

  • Feedonomy product ads can be simply imported into the Feedonomy marketplace. Register or login to the Feedonomy Merchant Center and in minutes import your current feed.csv file.
  • You also have the option to add single product listings. We suggest you add a few listings manually and they provide a number of benefits. For example: You can basically design your listings, and add as much or as little content as you like. Even if you have created your product feed! By exporting those few listings it will update your feed file making certain all content is entered correctly. Feedonomy provides free product ads, and also control over your listings. Sellers, can also promote their online store.
  • Contact us anytime for assistance. Email: or

“Did you know that 93% of online buyers will search for you online before making a purchase? That means If you don’t have a strong online presence, you are probably losing business to competitors who do.”

If you look carefully, you will notice the more popular a product or brand the more listings you will find. Not advertisement we are talking about product listings.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy increases your online presence. BrowSearch-Feedonomy do not offer advertising. By listing your product ads your Google Ads (Free & Paid) Campaigns will improve.  Sellers pay no advertising costs.  FPC. (Free-Per-Click) Only.

Sellers pay no advertising or marketplace costs. Let Feedonomy optimize your product feed. Sellers upload your product feed file CSV. And you can add listings manually.

All sales take place on the seller’s website. Sellers costs are reduced by 15-35% as your product feed management and optimization are free. No agency fees or advertising fees whatsoever.

BrowSearch-Feedonomy recommended sellers pass their savings onto the consumer. While we cannot and would never try to force sellers to reduce prices, we will provide incentives making it a no brainer for sellers to pass most of their savings onto the consumer.

We do this by offering sellers equity in BrowSearch-Feedonomy as members of BrowSearch-Feedonomy (Co-op.) thus the first 500 sellers may receive an equal share (membership) of this platform, making the seller not only guaranteeing the seller that listing and selling remain free but making it possible for sellers to sell their membership to any other seller for a profit. Consumers, our privacy policy in a nutshell. We will never track you or collect any personal details. BrowSearch is pronounced Browse & Search.

Contact us for details: l Email:  BrowSearch-Rx (Co-op.) Medical Professionals & Pharmacies Email:

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